The Maryland Society for Educational Technology (MSET) announced that Dr. Sarah Thomas, a Regional Technology Coordinator for Prince George's County Public Schools, is the recipient of the 2023 Outstanding Leader Award.
MSET honors educators annually for their exceptional use of innovative and effective educational technology practices. Dr. Thomas joins the ranks of esteemed education professionals who have made extraordinary contributions to the implementation of technology in Maryland schools, in keeping with MSET's mission to advance excellence in learning and teaching through innovative and effective uses of technology​.
As the recipient of the Outstanding Leader Award, Dr. Thomas is recognized as an educator outside the classroom who has exemplified excellent contributions to the implementation of technology in Maryland schools. Her role as a full-time technology leader within the state's educational system has earned her this esteemed recognition​.
In addition to her role with her school district, Dr. Thomas is also well known for her work with EduMatch. EduMatch is a worldwide community of educators that connects professionals around the globe with similar passions and interests who wish to grow and expand their learning. It provides a platform for educators to support one another in their professional learning journeys and to share stories, with a strong belief in empowering the expert within and seeking to amplify the voices of students and educators, as well as grassroots educational efforts​.
EduMatch's ecosystem includes the EduMatch Foundation, EduMatch Podcasts, and EduMatch Publishing. The organization's vision, as expressed through initiatives such as EduMatch Publishing, is to promote authentic educator and student sharing, seeking to amplify all voices, including those that have been historically silenced​.
Dr. Brandie Shatto, MSET President-Elect, expressed her delight at Dr. Thomas's achievement: "Last week, I had the absolute pleasure and privilege of presenting the Maryland Society for Educational Technology Outstanding Leader Award to Sarah Thomas, PhD. Sarah is the rockstar founder of EduMatch and a Regional Technology Coordinator in Prince George's County Public Schools. She empowers educators to make a real difference in the lives of students. It was an honor to present this award..."
As the recipient of the Outstanding Leader Award, Dr. Thomas will receive a banner, a certificate, a complimentary registration for the Common Ground Conference, and a one-year paid MSET membership. She will also have the opportunity to participate in MSET business meetings, serve as a featured speaker, and have her work highlighted in the coming year​.
For more information on the MSET awards and this year's recipients, visit